

中华豪门—千年经典 历久弥新|橡木

发布时间:2023-05-15 17:50来源:undefined点击:


KaiHongShun Studio



Oak belongs to the Quercus acutissima family and belongs to the Beech family. The tree has a yellow brown to red brown core, obvious growth rings, slightly wavy shape, and is heavy and hard...


Oak is distributed in Jilin, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Hubei, and other areas in China. It belongs to the same family as oak and has similar texture. In English, it is generally referred to as oak together with oak.


Jilin and Liaoning in China used to have a large production volume, while Shennongjia in Hubei and Shaanxi also produced a small amount of oak wood. However, the diameter of oak wood produced domestically is relatively short, and there is no professional production in China.


The production of high-quality oak wood in China is rare, and high-quality oak wood still needs to be imported from abroad. The cost of high-quality materials per cubic meter is nearly 10000 yuan...



  1) 具有比较鲜明的山形木纹,并且触摸表面有着良好的质感;

1) Has a distinct mountain shaped wood grain and a good texture on the touch surface;

  2) 质地坚实,制成品结构牢固,使用年限长;

2) Solid texture, firm structure of finished products, and long service life;

  3) 档次较高,适合制作欧式家具

3) High grade, suitable for making European style furniture



1) There are few high-quality tree species. At present, most of them are imported from Russia and the United States, and some are imported from Türkiye, Austria, Germany and Canada.


2) Usually, imported oak boards have undergone strict drying treatment abroad and have good stability. Some manufacturers directly import logs from abroad and cut and dry them themselves.


3) The phenomenon of replacing oak with rubber wood in the market is widespread, and if customers lack professional knowledge, it directly affects the interests of consumers.


Oak, made of tough material, has a delicate structure, is wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant, carrying the glorious history with a long history. From the wine barrels that stored grape wine 1400 years ago to the magnificent palace castles...


Oak is widely used for decoration materials and furniture production due to its excellent material properties: oak has a heavy and hard texture, a rough structure, elegant color and beautiful texture, high mechanical strength, and wear resistance.


Oak is widely used in decoration materials, furniture materials, sports equipment, shipbuilding materials, vehicle materials, flooring materials, etc. Slices of white and red oak are also ideal materials for producing laminated plywood.

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