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展会时间:2018年07月19日 – 22日
Exhibition Time: July 19th to 22th, 2018
Add: 1 Convention Centre Place, South Wharf, Melbourne, Victoria 3006, Australia ( MELBOURNE EXHIBITION CENTRE)
Profile: AIFF is Australias most influential industry, and only open to the global exhibitors fair furniture and household products trade fair.To Australia over the years, including the effect of outstanding products for: sofa, software, furniture, bedding, the visitors, local people pay attention to leisure life, especially in Australia for outdoor furniture, leisure furniture and outdoor products demand is huge and updated quickly, plus Australias climate is warm, sunshine season longer, countries rich, locals vacation and leisure life is normal, everyday life of the consumer goods such as furniture design art and product requirement is higher.Sydney to all foreign furniture furniture exhibition are manufacturers export market of Australia provides a platform. The Australian furniture exhibition and decoration and design exhibition held at the same time, the exhibition Australia area furniture and household items are posted on the latest design trends and popular subject.This exhibition held since 2003 has become Australias most influential furniture and household goods design exhibition.

2. 美国拉斯维加斯家具展( LAS VEGAS MARKET)
Exhibition Time: in July, 2018
Add: World Market Center (475 S Grand Central Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV, USA)
简介: 家具销量全球第一的家具展会
Profile: The furniture of the worlds first exhibition furniture salesThe United States is the worlds largest furniture market, the worlds furniture sales.Las Vegas furniture exhibition is organized by the United States furniture market professional international exhibition!Americas international furniture exhibition display furniture covers widely, from the design, the design of different style can be found in the us market a wide range of consumer class, whether it is a luxury, simple, modern, classical furniture and adorn article, or ethnic characteristics, super era, decadent, rough, fine furniture and accessories are all can have a huge consumer groups, and upgrading is faster.Las Vegas furniture exhibition focuses on the decoration and consumption in the family, such as soft furniture, sofa, bed, functional chair, dining room series and so on, can see almost all the furniture inside family place.It provides exhibitors with show its own brand of high quality exhibition venues, to provide the best service to all continents from the United States, Canada, central and South America professional buyers!The pavilion to provide for many international famous exhibition exhibition venue, more to become the only exhibition events at the show.

3. 巴西国际家具展 (FENAVEM)
展会时间: 2017年08月06日- 09日 (每两年一届, 2018年没展)
Exhibition Time: Aug. 06th to 09th, 2017 (2018 NO FAIR)
Profile: Two years of the Brazil international furniture industry trade show in Brazils largest hall ANHEMBI exhibition center has successfully hosted the 25th.The exhibition by the world famous exhibition companies Frankfurt exhibition company in Brazil, the Brazilian furniture manufacturers association.This exhibition for exhibitors and the audiences attention for its high quality, most of the exhibitors and visitors are from Brazil and shopkeepers, retailers all over the world, architects and the head of the international group, etc.

4. 墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉国际家具展 EXPO MUEBLE
Exhibition Time: Aug. 14th to 17th , 2018
Add: Expo Guadalajara, Mexico (Avenida Mariano Otero, 1499, Guadalajara 45050, Mexico)
Profile: Mexico furniture exhibition sponsored by the association of furniture manufacturing in Mexico, South America is the most professional, the largest furniture exhibition event.The fair twice per year, respectively, the Mexican furniture fair in spring (February each year), Mexicos summer furniture fair (August) a year.Association of furniture manufacturing in Mexico is one of the most important in the modern furniture in Mexico business organizations.It was founded in 1979, the work will help promote the development of furniture industry.So far, the association has 90 members, including the countrys most important companies.

5. 南非约翰内斯堡家具展(Decorex SA)
Exhibition Time: in August, 2018
Add: Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand
简介: Decorex 南非家居及室内设计展,是南非当地历史最悠久的,规模最大的一个展会,是一个结合设计灵感与潮流生活方式的专业展览会。从1994开始作为在南非市场世界闻名的室内设计和装饰的盛会,Decorex已经成为南非室内设计展会的著名品牌先锋。Decorex提供了消费者与买家更有创造力品质优秀的供货方案,以及充满灵感的开发设计精巧的产品,并且不断地重塑本身,力争成为实质性激发南非当地消费水平的品牌。高端的参展商、新颖的设计、吸引人的产品一直是Decorex的最大亮点。
Profile: Decorex furniture and interior design exhibition, South Africa is South Africas oldest, one of the largest exhibition, is a combination of professional exhibition design inspiration and fashion lifestyle.Since 1994 as the market in South Africa is well known in the world of interior design and decoration of the event, Decorex pioneer has become a famous brand of interior design exhibition in South Africa.Decorex provides consumers and buyers more creative quality excellent supply plan, and inspired the development of well-designed products, and constantly reshape themselves, strive to become the brand of the substantial stimulate local consumption level in South Africa.High-end exhibitors, novel design, attractive products has been the biggest bright spot of Decorex.

6. 中国国际家具展览会(浦东) China International Furniture Expo
Exhibition Time: in September, 2018
展会地址:上海新国际博览中心(SNIEC), 上海浦东新区龙阳路2345号
Add: No. 2345 Longyang Road, Shanghai / Shanghai New International Expo Centre
简介: 中国国际家具展(又称上海家具展)每年九月在上海浦东已成为全球采购成品家具、材料配件、设计家饰最重要的贸易平台之一。 与摩登上海时尚家居展以及上海家居设计周的紧密结合,为全球业内想要找寻和体验新生活方式的买家和观众建立一个确实的、持续发展的贸易平台。 - 全面接触家具行业产业链 - 与方案供应商及行业人士建立连系 - 与中国国际家具展共画事业 - 挖掘众多优质现代家具 - 家具高端制造展及材料精品展全新登场
Profile: China international furniture fair (also known as the Shanghai furniture fair in September each year in the pudong district of Shanghai has become a global purchasing finished product furniture design, materials, accessories, home act the role ofing is one of the most important trading platform.With modern Shanghai fashion home show and household design week together, for the global industry buyers want to find and experience the new way of life and the audience to create a really and sustainable development of trade platform.- a comprehensive contact furniture industry chain- establish connecting with solution provider and the industry- painting career with China international furniture fairMany high quality modern furniture - mining- exhibition of new furniture exhibition of high-end manufacturing and materials.

7. 意大利米兰家居及消费品展览会 HOMI MILANO
Exhibition Time: in Sepbember, 2018
Add: (Fiera Milano–Rho)
简介: HOMI源于Macef国际消费品展览会,始于1964年,每年春秋2届,至今已有50多年历史,是欧洲三大消费品展之一。Macef Milano是全世界最顶级的致力于日常生活用品和家居摆设的国际性展览,是了解市场行情与国际流行趋势、订购各国产品的重要渠道。数十年来,Macef一直是美丽的意大利之家的化身,拥有着世界闻名的独特风格。
Profile: HOMI from Macef international consumer goods fair, began in 1964 and the spring and autumn period and the last two a year, has been more than 50 years history, is one of the big three European consumer goods exhibition.Macef Milano is the worlds top international exhibition dedicated to the daily necessities and household decoration, is to know the market situation and the international fashion trend, the important channel to order products from all over the world.For decades, Macef has always been a beautiful home of Italy, has a unique style is well known in the world.

8. 西班牙瓦伦西亚国际家具展览会( Feria Habitat )
Exhibition Time: in September, 2018
Add:(Feria internacional Valencia)Avda Ferias S/N 46035 Valencia
简介:西班牙瓦伦西亚国际家具展览会于1998年举办第一届。 FIM展是西班牙最大的家具展会,由英国国际贸易与展览有限公司主办,每年举办一届。每年有超过125000名观展者,来自145个国家和地区,超过1200位展商,展出面积达200000平米。西班牙巴伦西亚展品款式新,设计水平高,均为潮流领先款式。对于要了解新兴行业最新咨询的专业观众来说,这个展览已经变得必不可少。
Profile: Valencia in Spain international furniture exhibition held in 1998 the first.FIM exhibition is one of the countrys largest furniture exhibition, sponsored by the British international trade and exhibition co., LTD, held once every year.Each year more than 125000 exhibition, from 145 countries and regions, more than 1200 exhibitors, the exhibition area of 200000 square meters.Valencia in Spain exhibits a new style, the design level is high, are the trend of the leading style.For to understand the latest emerging industry consulting professional audiences, the exhibition has become essential.

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